
Shaolin Kids in the Tiananmen Square "show" Kung Fu Hustle

Nearly 3,000 square meters in the middle of the flag, Wu school students practice "bomb Yuelong"

Yesterday, the sound of the waves cry from Beijing, Henan returned less Linta Wu ditch school to participate in the National Day activities, students gathered in the school training ground to begin the training. October 1, is a whole country is celebrating the day. To meet the 60 anniversary of founding of new China, Henan Shao-wu Linta ditch school will be held in a military parade and fireworks display on the show "shadow boxing" "Shaolin Fist" "Shepherd whip" "Sunshine on the road" and "bombs Yuelong" 5 programs .

Hardness with softness In addition to martial arts, and dance performances

In the sixtieth anniversary of National Day military parade and fireworks display activities, tower ditch Wu School 220 students will be participating in the exercise program five performances, respectively, on the parade floats on the square in Henan Tai Chi performances and the third chapter of the " Shaolin Boxing "" Shepherd whip "" Sunshine on the road "and" bombs Yuelong "performance.

In the National Day parade, the tower ditch Wu school 8 students were transferring to the Henan square, the square will be in Henan Tai Chi exercises on the float. As the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games performances of Shaolin Tai Chi has been recognized the world's millions of viewers, this selection of players, is responsible for the director of Henan matrix directly from the school selected eight participants. Currently, eight students are square in the Henan Province to carry out intensive training.

It is worth mentioning that the tower ditch Wu school students participating in dance "sunshine on the road", according to the school dance instructor introduced the National Day event in this programming, the director group was tower ditch Wu school students of organization and discipline and strong can be moved by the spirit of hard-working, the provisional decision to a dance party in the interlude, and no longer by professional dancers, but by the tower ditch Wu school students to conduct rehearsals and performances.

Hard training, the participating students are not injured in firing line under the

In June this year, received a performance task, the tower began to ditch school Wu organize relevant personnel to conduct program scheduling and training. At that time, hot weather, many of them have been found since tan skin, and some even collapsed of heat stroke, but not a student give up.

August 15, 220 students went to Beijing to conduct field rehearsal. According to chairman and head coach Liu Haike introduction, at school, the participants request of the director who made serious rehearsal, came to Beijing, in addition to meet the venue and rehearsal, but also on the program was revised and improved, and strive to In the National Day evening for the national audience in a lively devotion Shaolin martial arts.

Wong Po-Bridge Day a group of participants in a training, a fall of the left shoulder. Coach took him to the clinic after treatment, warning him to concentrate on wounds and can no longer participate in the training. After hearing these words, Mr Wong Po-bridge pleading leaders and coaches in any case, let him continue to train.

Students participating in the performance are, and Wong Po-bridge, as performed for this flow Khan, suffered injuries, but never left the team.

The first exercise, "Shaolin Kung Fu Kids" acclaim

August 22, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Affairs Bureau, watched the towers fall Gong Min Wu ditch school students rehearsals, spoke highly of his hope that students make persistent efforts, in the National party scene to a higher level to show the world of Shaolin Martial Arts charm.

August 28, National Day party for the first time exercise. The exercise from Henan, Hebei, Hunan, Chongqing and other places of the participating units. Tower ditch Wu School 220 students in the third chapter in the "new China" in performing a "bomb Yuelong" and the Chinese Wushu (martial arts collectives and collective shepherd whip) programs. With the third chapter in the music sounded, 20 students marched in light of the pace, performing a wide range of difficult martial arts moves to enter the venue. 200 Shaolin martial arts performances, collective movements are clean, chic and elegant, the collective shepherd vigorous whip powerful and deafening noise. The dynamics of Shaolin Kids, performances exhibited by the whole atmosphere of the lively performance of head. After the performance ended, Beijing Vice Mayor Liu Qi, summing up his contribution to this National Day party was satisfied with the exercise program, especially the martial arts performance team is very exciting.

Henan Shaolin Kids will be carrying the hopes of the people and hopes for the country's 60 birthday gift.

