
Chinese martial arts is a kind of culture does not support the traditional martial arts is to forget the

Weekly sports special International Wushu Federation Technical Committee Luc Benza Review, Chinese martial arts, is not a sport, it is not a fight. Chinese martial arts is a kind of culture is synonymous with one of China's. I am a foreigner their stance simply dump for this culture, why Chinese people think of a good-looking fight?

So be it, let us talk about my martial arts history, and perhaps make Chinese friends were able to see the other side of things.

In 1983, I came to China to learn Chinese martial arts, it has been 26 years. The beginning, I created the idea of martial arts in China, is Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan movies. I saw so and so not only they will be knocked to the ground, but they are not easily shot style, but also to win the opponent did not play. This saw the United States were the heroes of the film was Ya Zi of the blame must be reported to a completely different style.

So I came to China, in these 20 years time, I am most proud of is that I went to Shaolin Temple to study for a whole year, and then I became a Sanda athlete. I also went to Beijing University of Physical Education undergraduate and graduate reading, and get a diploma. Precisely because of this, in 1993 I was elected to the International Wushu Federation Technical Committee. Martial arts is not an easy task, but not strong Xin-Zhi who is unable to complete the whole process of practice. I want to tell you that we have to learn martial arts, is not merely learning a few moves to be great than be used to knock down opponents much more. The course of this difficult exercise, so I beat the heart of the enemy, so I was growing up, so I have had a real "Chinese Heart"!

As for ornamental, as an insider I can tell you, boxing is difficult when you first go to see television, not to mention the Taekwondo. I always do not understand why there are Chinese national television audience to support their efforts to question the traditional movement. In China, actually can see some of the leagues abroad are unpopular, those who race Is to look good? Why are not look at their own game. I do not understand!

