
Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin inaugurated in Yunnan Guandu Jijingsizuo

16, the morning of Yunnan "Guandu Shaolin Temple" in Kunming Guandu town officially inaugurated, Henan Songshan Shaolin Temple abbot Shi Yongxin to attend and hope that through Guandu Shaolin Temple, set up a South East Asia, South Asia, Buddhism, a platform for cultural exchanges to jointly promote the Buddhist culture. The picture shows the opening ceremony, the Shaolin Temple martial monks of Shaolin martial arts show.

Shaolin Kids in the Tiananmen Square "show" Kung Fu Hustle

Nearly 3,000 square meters in the middle of the flag, Wu school students practice "bomb Yuelong"

Yesterday, the sound of the waves cry from Beijing, Henan returned less Linta Wu ditch school to participate in the National Day activities, students gathered in the school training ground to begin the training. October 1, is a whole country is celebrating the day. To meet the 60 anniversary of founding of new China, Henan Shao-wu Linta ditch school will be held in a military parade and fireworks display on the show "shadow boxing" "Shaolin Fist" "Shepherd whip" "Sunshine on the road" and "bombs Yuelong" 5 programs .

Hardness with softness In addition to martial arts, and dance performances

In the sixtieth anniversary of National Day military parade and fireworks display activities, tower ditch Wu School 220 students will be participating in the exercise program five performances, respectively, on the parade floats on the square in Henan Tai Chi performances and the third chapter of the " Shaolin Boxing "" Shepherd whip "" Sunshine on the road "and" bombs Yuelong "performance.

In the National Day parade, the tower ditch Wu school 8 students were transferring to the Henan square, the square will be in Henan Tai Chi exercises on the float. As the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games performances of Shaolin Tai Chi has been recognized the world's millions of viewers, this selection of players, is responsible for the director of Henan matrix directly from the school selected eight participants. Currently, eight students are square in the Henan Province to carry out intensive training.

It is worth mentioning that the tower ditch Wu school students participating in dance "sunshine on the road", according to the school dance instructor introduced the National Day event in this programming, the director group was tower ditch Wu school students of organization and discipline and strong can be moved by the spirit of hard-working, the provisional decision to a dance party in the interlude, and no longer by professional dancers, but by the tower ditch Wu school students to conduct rehearsals and performances.

Hard training, the participating students are not injured in firing line under the

In June this year, received a performance task, the tower began to ditch school Wu organize relevant personnel to conduct program scheduling and training. At that time, hot weather, many of them have been found since tan skin, and some even collapsed of heat stroke, but not a student give up.

August 15, 220 students went to Beijing to conduct field rehearsal. According to chairman and head coach Liu Haike introduction, at school, the participants request of the director who made serious rehearsal, came to Beijing, in addition to meet the venue and rehearsal, but also on the program was revised and improved, and strive to In the National Day evening for the national audience in a lively devotion Shaolin martial arts.

Wong Po-Bridge Day a group of participants in a training, a fall of the left shoulder. Coach took him to the clinic after treatment, warning him to concentrate on wounds and can no longer participate in the training. After hearing these words, Mr Wong Po-bridge pleading leaders and coaches in any case, let him continue to train.

Students participating in the performance are, and Wong Po-bridge, as performed for this flow Khan, suffered injuries, but never left the team.

The first exercise, "Shaolin Kung Fu Kids" acclaim

August 22, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Affairs Bureau, watched the towers fall Gong Min Wu ditch school students rehearsals, spoke highly of his hope that students make persistent efforts, in the National party scene to a higher level to show the world of Shaolin Martial Arts charm.

August 28, National Day party for the first time exercise. The exercise from Henan, Hebei, Hunan, Chongqing and other places of the participating units. Tower ditch Wu School 220 students in the third chapter in the "new China" in performing a "bomb Yuelong" and the Chinese Wushu (martial arts collectives and collective shepherd whip) programs. With the third chapter in the music sounded, 20 students marched in light of the pace, performing a wide range of difficult martial arts moves to enter the venue. 200 Shaolin martial arts performances, collective movements are clean, chic and elegant, the collective shepherd vigorous whip powerful and deafening noise. The dynamics of Shaolin Kids, performances exhibited by the whole atmosphere of the lively performance of head. After the performance ended, Beijing Vice Mayor Liu Qi, summing up his contribution to this National Day party was satisfied with the exercise program, especially the martial arts performance team is very exciting.

Henan Shaolin Kids will be carrying the hopes of the people and hopes for the country's 60 birthday gift.


Chinese martial arts are dying

State suming chang's years of peace, the development of traditional martial arts provides a good objective environment. Whether the State to promote the "fitness", in recent years, non-"SARS" and other impact of the disease, or the rapid development of the national economy, are making us pay more attention to exercise, improve their fitness. The morning in a park or a sports center, it is tempered with a variety of ways: Taiji, Tai Chi Fan, Xing Yi Quan practice, whip, etc., abound.

Although the martial arts more and more people, but we are getting farther and farther away from the martial arts; While traditional martial arts, further wide, but as a martial arts feature, it is gradually withering away. This is an unusual social phenomenon, but it is seems to be an inevitable necessity. "Existence that is reasonable."

Martial arts was born in rural Henan, and because of their relatively poor, so I was fortunate to contact with martial arts since childhood, starting with practice and size of Hung Ga Shaolin boxing, and some equipment, such as sticks, knives and so on. Later, training intensity is too large, hurt the body. Martial arts once deserted. After High School, I began to practitioners inside and outside with a minor in home boxing, tai chi's ancestors - Chen Style Taijiquan, as well as a number of Shaolin and Shaolin boxing club. To benefit after the decision has never changed. Been to some cities during the period, I may go to the park or activity centers, and learn from others seek advice on martial arts and opened his eyes open, the University also served as the school's martial arts coach. Looking back, there are three of my teacher, the first one is now a professor at Henan University, there are two master-level characters, their disciples have a lot of the world champion.

Through so many years, and martial arts, all kinds of contacts, I seem to make trouble for themselves concerned about the traditional martial arts, it is being lost. When it is displayed in various forms in front of us, when in fact it is slowly disappearing in the air, away from us. Of course, these are my personal feelings, one's words do not represent the views of who. Put forward this view, it is inevitable bias, right or wrong may not be the most important, just want to cause some people's attention is also live up my lengthy 1000 words bar.

Now I have seen and heard according to their own and the sense, from the martial arts its own characteristics, we emerged on the martial arts are often some of the misunderstandings (which is led away from our real martial arts, one of the important reasons), it and some foreign fighting technique comparison, martial arts promotion and some of its trends, etc., to talk about my views. Quoted here without reference to any books, information and some expert comments, "the letter to make the book better than no book." Increase with age, I had sad right are skeptical about everything. Here still like to thank my Tai Chi teacher was, and we have great confidence in him, but was chatting with, he said: "Even if I said (it), does not necessarily correct." Most trusted person to enable us to doubt his , a man is always doing everything it entails. With this skepticism is also only let me keep more of the martial arts come into contact with people, to feel what they had enlightenment, to share with them in doubt and to identify constantly thinking, much less walk roundabout the wrong path.

With regard to martial arts.

What is a martial art? Simply said: "Wu" is playing, "surgery" is the way martial arts is a striking way. Initially, as a martial arts should be a comprehensive fitness and fighting the campaign generated the need for war was only able to start fighting operation as a separate branch for development. This is necessary, just as North Korea is developing nuclear weapons as desperate. In the primitive society, when people know to pick up a tree to go and fight wild animals when the cudgel of the prototype emerged. And also because there is no sword stick with people as lethal bleeding, all the people began to add pieces to stick sharp stones, and later developed into bronze and other metal, and then later it was felt unfulfilling, simply do not even have a stick. Direct all metal, so we also had was a knife, sword and other things. This is why the club is called the "100 soldiers of the ancestors," Shaolin Temple the reason why the weapons were sticks, because it is mainly used for the purpose of punishment, of course, murder is totally acceptable. "13 sticks Monk save tang," surely we all know. The reason to become a famous history, lies in its powerful, its unexpected.

With regard to some common misconceptions.

Martial Arts is a comprehensive thing, its exercise of your flexibility, reaction, speed, strength, balance and many other capabilities. I am a person who knows martial arts, many people feel that a few people I can play no problem. Unfortunately, I'd have been beaten a few people no problem. The winning or losing a fight in itself is quite normal, like a game of chess, like victory or defeat is not unusual. Nor is that you can play the very practice of the martial arts. For example, you are a college student, or even a graduate student or a Ph.D., but you do math very good? Great deal of research on the psychology you proud? The answer of course is no. But the reality is that there are many, many people sighed with feeling and lack of common sense: But you are a college student ah! Is a graduate ah! ! Is a doctoral student ah! ! ! You are such a learned, how can you not versed in physics will be made atomic bombs it! How can we not well versed in psychology, abnormal psychology for us to solve a lot of it! For the martial arts, do not have any contact with or come into contact with people who think they will have such doubts. You should very much martial arts fight, it is not ah. Martial arts fighting technique but a very important aspect of it, like the university of a professional.

For Tai Chi. I can say is responsible. We ordinary day in the park to see the so-called Tai Chi is not a martial art. On the one hand to see so many people practicing "shadow boxing", I am very glad that more people in the enjoyment of our ancestors left us with good things; the other side, I was also worried, especially the young, pre-empt the look these uncle old lady who practice tai chi magic, it will not lose confidence in the practice of traditional martial arts. "Tai Chi" is a yin and yang. But look at their Tai Chi, and only slowly did not fast, only the soft is not just, and only slowly is no urgent, at best, be regarded as Tai Chi movement, and has nothing to do tai chi, and martial arts is do not touch. In the school performances, said there is a tai chi performance, I saw around her in with a smile gestures Cesi melons and playing mahjong action. In addition to sadness, I do not have much feelings. Many laughed at, in addition to vividly showed their ignorance of his own things, but also say what; when some girls wear coquettish Sao Feng to "teaser" Confucius (the statue), in addition to prove her forget her roots and the sense of shame, can prove anything, I can not think of. I finished the stage performing tai chi, people are shocked, not that I played good, but to subvert them that kind of "lazy Moyu" type of Taijiquan view. After the host said, how do you down so early ah do not know you play so good, would like to interview you do in public. I smiled, Yaran. There are the students wanted to come to school, but did not immediately accepted. Something difficult to learn because it is difficult to practice difficult to use, according to my experience, unless they have special stamina because they have a preference or a sick person, in general, have insisted on not down. In particular, in this fickle era. I was pessimistic about the right father said, I feel that practicing tai chi more and more people, but the master will be less and less.

As the saying goes: do not practice martial arts, to the old and empty. Fighting rely on what is: courage, strength, technique. No species of No, no energy impossible. Practice, the most primitive or strength training. I asked a professor of martial arts Kudan how to understand this sentence where the "religion." Note that it is Kudan ah! The whole of China is only 8. He said that is a kick, stretching, Gamba and so vacated. Of course, say this can not be wrong, but it is targeted to take rank in terms of playing games, and martial arts, and playing or what the relationship. For a Wushu Jie predecessors, I am embarrassed to say that he nonsense. Survive in the secular world, we can not spotless, it is impossible not to compromise, such as Ji Kang who can only be relegated to the final demise, but if we can compromise, as is the final demise of difference, but the soul is dead, the body is still alive , like walking corpses. As the high school textbooks written in the language: "Some people alive, he's dead." Of course, I mean not just people.

I watched the action film "Chun-Li Chuan", while Qiaoxia these words, I think Chun-Li's father, it was the nigger defeated, mainly do not have enough power. 1-year-old martial arts champion, is playing like the middle-aged, but an able-bodied. For the film this thing for martial arts development is good or bad many more, and I said sure. I can only say that a lot of action movies are too exaggerated, are false, but real martial arts in real time, it's shocking no worse than the movies shown, but they are not actors can be shown.

I teach boxing, a lot of people, especially the relatively large number of age are followed Bihuabihua only purpose is to exercise, and to martial arts as a medium, and with everyone busy busy. Initially, I called them to instill an idea, do not think he is to exercise and not to go to look at Tai Chi Chuan as a martial art to learn. As you are away in order to find a good job as the college entrance examinations. Do you like love to learn, to carefully study, admitted to a good university, good job, also have no worries. But you away to college in order to find a job does not seem to mean much. Similarly, while the martial arts you have to exercise is not necessary. You as a martial arts martial arts to learn to practice closer to its essence, you can better grasp it. Whether you are in order to exercise is to health, or for the treatment of these included the role of not seeking unsolicited. This regard, many people think are wrong, is not made detours, I think.

Some fighting with foreign surgery comparison.

Fighting in the traditional martial arts stress "is far from fighting, near Canal, close throw." Long fight, is relatively far away from the two when hit with the fist of Zhouxi etc., Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is part of a long fight fighting operation; almost take, that is, the distance between two people when the more recent in order to arrest people based on-line warrant of anti-joints, we are on television, the armed resistance in the to the handcuffed suspects before, are used to it by capturing suits; close wrestling, wrestling means it is at a distance of a very near, and even bodily tightly affixed together to display their fists and conduct is not conducive to capturing when people used a uniform method of injury or even death.

There is a saying called the boxing field: "boxing games free father and son, Taishou and unsparing." Since the martial arts is a fighting method, naturally does not make you as comfortable as being massage. As I just said, capturing, multi-joint is the goal of anti Helenians, so it hurt. This point I have personal experience of. That teach students in Xi'an Xingqing tai chi, suddenly there came an old ragged clothes and handsome uncle, he gave me some guidance and advice, at first I felt a little unconvinced, then he let me realize what he does best capture, after that I had completely succumbed. At first he let me subdue him, in any way, warrant of hold are OK, and even he took out a finger, he was forced Breaking my hands, and then he asked me not ready. I say ready. He asked me comfortable, uncomfortable, I say comfortable. Then he asked again, if you want to kneel down here, or tummy, or jump up, or pop-up go? I said, kneeling it! Then blink of an eye, I am on the "black" is heard, one leg kneeling on the ground. After the students asked me: "You Da Buda too him?" I smile said: "You do not see out? As long as he thought, half-hour earlier, my wrist and elbow, has long been cut off scores of times. "

Fearless era not far from us. We have played Jet Li's "Fearless" also seen inside, traditional Chinese martial arts and discussions is to set a life and death-like. Killing you, can not lose money, instead of losing lives. Because we need the traditional martial art of war is a self-defense. Is attacking your back of the head, playing your heart, playing your anti-joints, playing your weakness, playing your Egg, poke your eyes, pinch your throat, tear in your mouth, buckle your collarbone, You hit the weakest the most of the parts can not be beat. The true leaves another master dead do not look at those games such as boxing and taekwondo is precisely for this reason.you beat me kick my foot what you mean. This is why the traditional Chinese martial arts why people think it is superfluous reasons. Because we can see are routine, you say you see my people always poke people's eyes, and kicking Egg do? Therefore, we in the eyes of the martial arts style and no substance on the leaves. The requirements of martial arts is that it can hardly be commercialized one of the reasons, both as an immediate impact like taekwondo, I am learning a positive play, I would be able to use the afternoon fighting, but also not as gentle Taekwondo, it is easier Taekwondo commercialization, it is a good publicity themselves, it can engage in competition.

Japan has three main Road: karate, judo, aikido. Aikido is the stress of actual combat, that is ruthless, so they are not well commercial, there is no large-scale game, nor were more people know, but also with its own characteristics related to. Aikido practice I have seen in Wuhan, the university study martial arts with my younger brother is also practiced in a school, do good, real concerned, at least looks good. Now the central five have some traditional Chinese martial arts match. Of course, they legislate life and death than the Fearless who will have to ease more. But I was surprised to see that there was still some traditional martial arts in a very ruthless action. I clearly remember one scene in which two divisions brothers Battle, The Young brother side of the hand grasp the ankle, while with the arm (arm ruthless than the fist, because it is not smashing, but with the body under the gravitational pressure) rammer The Young's knee, the results of The Young look at the battlefield is lying on a stretcher.

With regard to martial arts promotion and development.

Now we have more than 100 kinds of traditional martial arts, whether it is any one of boxing. It can survive long-term, have to prove that it is very powerful. Unless it is the name of aerobics signs to the development. As far as I know, the Chen-style Tai Chi in Hong Kong and France, when opened, respectively, had been in trouble and taekwondo triad challenges. As a martial art, a striking way to promote development, it must be played out. Many people asked me tai chi can beat it, I would like to go to he said. They all expressed understanding and support. I said, in fact, such problems as long as a good think about it, do not ask other people can get their own answers, and sometimes it would ask again "professionals" want nothing but positive Bale.

With regard to the commercialization and a variety of Shaolin martial arts performances and competitions, just from the martial arts itself to consider, I am pessimistic. Take tai chi, it's the current trend is to use three words summed up is: "high, Gone with the Wind, difficult." Yes. I admit it was good to see a lot of performances, ornamental indeed very strong, but elegant in the pursuit of good-looking stretch of time, have been very different from the conventional nature of Martial Arts. On "Wo Yu" (I do not know whether this word) this action is (that is, one leg standing, squatting in the process of the other leg parallel with the ground with Xiecha past), there is no art of attack and nature nothing is to raise the threshold for the athletes, benefit selection, and viewing. And a Lao Quanshi in the chat, he said, before someone invited him to the referee, he refused. He said that when the stress of fighting "two-thirds lose leg lift", you jump so high that you do, who danced to whom I play the higher the lower the points, but in reality than those who Tiaode Gao, do you have any methods .

Chinese bones the kind of good things not easily transmission of ideas also makes a number of things lost. Wuhan Institute of Physical Education to play with me is that two graduate students and one graduate, one of the graduate student has more than 30 years of age. He is a martial arts family, the son of old age, a son, also died earlier, we do not teach him anything, but his father's great disciple and master learn something because at that time might be too rough, dead or alive do not teach my own master's son, he later and others had to learn, and take a lot of detours and more than 30-year-old graduate student on the go again.

Taijiquan is a 18-like weapons, but the most famous or its boxing. In fact, it also has a very powerful weapon is the "Tai Chi adhesion grab" Unfortunately, have been lost. Some Laoquan Shi, preferring to put good things into their own coffin, but also not willing to pass someone else, perhaps there is no bar to find a suitable object. But that "hold back" the idea is relatively pessimistic, in fact, we learn a martial arts, primarily to master the law of its motion, and not otherwise. Martial arts, it is difficult to commercialization and commercialization done because of variation, as well as some traditional ideas have made difficult the development of traditional martial arts. Of course, I say something is true.

The patient came back, I heard a message. Our practice martial arts together, a person has achieved an international wushu competition routines of equipment gold and silver. I hear do not know that the happy or sad. Hardship, he did learn something in order to buy a lot of things to see Master. Master knew that he was a good-hearted people, but did not teach him anything, he was to go drink tea and chat with her master is, and later he became not to go. Did not teach him not because of person she was good, but the teacher thought he was too low cultural quality, "Ru Yu efforts to study poetry in his poetry the outside." An art to reach a certain state, you'll need to raise a certain degree of literary heritage, and also because of his self-taught, many wrong moves in more than a decade after the practice has become ingrained it is difficult to change. "The poor Wen Fu Wu", he says, well, a lot of people worked very hard to close to martial arts, but it is precisely because of their efforts, while farther and farther away from the martial arts. This is also a tragedy.


Switzerland and Australia, two students are attracted to Qingxian learning Chinese Kung Fu

Recently, Qingxian Pangu ushered in the civil and military schools in the world's two friends: Australian martial arts enthusiast, Mr. Berlin and Switzerland, Mr. Maxim. They are about civil and military schools in the Qingxian Pangu 3-month post-graduate study, the main learning Chinese martial arts - Ba Ji Quan.

It is understood that they are attracted to come to worship in the world martial arts masters, civil and military school principals Liu Lianjun Qingxian Pangu, "Mr. division.

Ba Ji Quan, as one of the top ten boxing, has come out of the door towards the world. Growing number of martial arts enthusiasts on the obsession with the Ba Ji Quan, which once again confirms the Cangzhou "martial arts village" was a reputation for well-deserved reputation in Cangzhou Martial Arts has been recognized by people around the world.

Million people interpret the essence of Tai Chi Chuan

Pictured magnificent grand opening ceremony.

At 9:09 on September 9, accompanied by melodious music of a performance of "2009 International Taijiquan Exchange Conference" in Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau kicked off Qingzhen training bases, from home and abroad in the tens of thousands of tai chi enthusiasts 400,000 square meters of lawn interpretation of the essence of Taijiquan.

State Sport General Administration Wushu Administrative Center party secretary of Ho Lung, provincial and municipal leaders Xiaoyong An, Qing-Sheng Xie, Yuan Zhou, Jiang Xing-Heng, Sun Likun, YU Wei-xiang, SUN Yuan attended the opening ceremony.

The Taijiquan Exchange of the General Assembly by the State Sport General Administration of Wushu Administrative Center, Guizhou Provincial Sports Bureau, the Guiyang Municipal People's Government hosted Qingzhen municipal government and Guiyang Municipal Sports Bureau, the Tourism Bureau contractor, is a specification, and size large mass Taijiquan event. The General Assembly has attracted 187 domestic and international teams, a total of 12270 tai chi enthusiasts to participate.

the first thing the audience were dressed by the eye is black and white clothing Taijiquan athletes Eight Diagrams of Taiji, they used the boxing show "The Promise of Health Tai Chi, Tai Chi for Health astrotech, astrotech Health four images, four biological or nosy "Taiji culture. In the metal, wood, water, fire, earth the Five Elements the stage of the five International Taijiquan masters, then with five different moves, the five major schools of interpretation of the essence of Taijiquan.

At the same time, the performers also wearing a dress in eight different colors to form a strict "eight array map" and use push hands, Qin, sepak takraw, brush, whisk, sword, Dan furnace, bamboo eight kinds of props, interpretation of the "Tai Chi is a natural, medical, harmony, art, practice, military science, science and culture" connotations. Followed by a million people in Tai Chi performances, but also fully explained the "apply what they learn together in competition," the "Guiyang Spirit" embodies the "campaign of self-cultivation, leisure and summer," the health economy.

It is reported that in the next three days, the exchange of the General Assembly will also undertake Taijiquan (sword) Classic, tai chi (sword) demonstration, tai chi (sword) of the peak activities of the Forum 3.


International Taijiquan Exchange Conference will be opened 20 international masters competition

September 9 at the opening of Qingzhen City International Taijiquan Exchange Conference, 20 international Tai Chi master will be an exhibition style. It is reported that the International Taijiquan Exchange launched the initial work of the Assembly, the organizing committee has issued a "hero quote," has aroused domestic and international Tai Chi Association, the Society's attention. According to the organizing committee to statistics, so far, "Ten professors of Chinese martial arts," Xia Baihua, Guizhou branch of Taijiquan Like Jun, president of the Hong Kong Chinese Martial Arts Association Vice President Lung Kai-ming, Chen Taijiquan senior coach, the annual International Tai Chi Chuan "too class Shi Jie "Zhang Wu, Wu-Tang Clan tour the 14th-generation head of the Xuan De, Sun-style Tai Chi Chuan Sun Yongtian head of the third generation of Wu style Tai Chi Chuan fifth-generation descendant of Di Wei, Yong Nian Tai Chi Vu Thi fifth-generation descendant of Chinese martial arts seven segment Zhong Shan, Hong Kong, China's sports work Vice Chairman Federation of Tai Chi Chuan Song 20 international artists, will attend the opening ceremony. Among them, Xia Baihua, Like Jun, Yu Xuan De, Song will also stage the opening ceremony, performed a show of today's Tai Chi Chuan (Sword) the highest level, the strongest skills.

Traditional Wushu health communication

September 6, the first in Guangxi Traditional Wushu healthy exchange conference held in Guilin, there is Tai Chi Chuan, Shaolin boxing, and knives, swords, sticks and other equipment categories A total of 40 games.

3D "elk King" playing Chinese Kung Fu

3D "elk King" playing Chinese Kung Fu

Just won best animation award Huabiao Jiang made 3D animated film "elk King" will be released September 29. According to Mr. Fang Yang introduced the investment, in order to meet the global demand for martial arts fans, film side than to hire a star as a kung fu martial arts guide, and and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the advanced equipment and technology to Chinese kung fu into the movie.

Original stage play Kung Fu "Kung Fu poems • Volume 9" Wenzhou staged

September 7, large-scale original kung fu stage drama "Kung Fu poems nine volumes," the southeast of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Theater dance into a new martial arts performances to the audience a fresh experience.


Chinese Shaolin Kung Fu add to the fun Russian Tattoo

The evening of September 4, the Russian Military Tattoo rehearsal opening ceremony, the Shaolin Temple and stand with the participating bands.

The evening of September 4, in the center of Moscow's Red Square Russia, the Russian International Tattoo, held on the eve of the opening of the general rehearsal, the Chinese Shaolin monks in the performances. That night, from Russia, China, Italy and other countries around 1000 performers took part in the Russian International Tattoo Festival on the eve of the general rehearsal. Among them, China Songshan Shaolin Temple martial monks who show stick work, whip and other Chinese martial arts to make the audience amazed. Xinhua News Agency reporters Lu Jin and Bo She

From Russia, China, Italy and other countries around 1000 actors, four on the evening in central Moscow's Red Square in Russia on the eve of the opening of the International Military Tattoo rehearsal. Among them, China Songshan Shaolin Temple martial monks who show stick work, whip and other Chinese martial arts, so that the audience amazed.

Songshan Shaolin Temple martial monks Lu Yan Zong Jiaotou released the same day an interview with Xinhua, said that the Shaolin Temple, more than 70 members of the delegation is to visit the largest number ever. Because in addition to the activities of the organizers for his kind invitation, but also with the 2006 then-Russian President Vladimir Putin visits Shaolin temple struck up with the. Lu extended release said that this military music festival, the Shaolin monks were martial arts show will be a collective project-based, mainly including shield sword, boxing and so on.

4-day rehearsal in the Russian Presidential Guard Regiment, the Italian Air Force military band performances, such as groups that are strong, passionate melody accompaniment, marched in orderly pace, constantly changing formation. A military band girl and guy who's valiant heroic, won enthusiastic applause from the audience.

Aeroflot Russian International Tattoo, held by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered, its original purpose is to promote international cultural exchanges, enhancing the military's influence in society and so on. Tattoo session is scheduled on the 5th city of Moscow to build the opening period, and will continue until 10. By then, the audience will enjoy from Russia, China, France, Italy, more than 10 countries, the military band and performances by the distinctive performances.

Military music festival, the red floor every night 8 to 10 points will be live performances. On the 6th day, the military band and performance groups in Moscow on the main streets, squares and parks for charity concerts.


Kung Fu King Bruce Lee's martial arts fan sacred tomb

Even if the death of more than 40 years, kung fu king Bruce Lee remains the world's most famous martial arts icon. His tomb is located in Lake View Cemetery in Seattle, where martial arts enthusiasts all over the world as sacred. Bruce Lee's tombstone is a purple-red above with his photos, English name and Chinese formerly BruceLee Lizhen Fan. Tombstone is also indicated above, he is the founder of Jeet Kune Do. In the bottom of his tombstone is a black opened like a book of stone. Left a black and white engraved Buddhist Taiji diagram. Fig both sides of the Chinese inscription reads: "in order not to have laws to unlimited as limited." Bruce Lee's untimely death, he inherited his father's son, Brandon Lee also died in accidents, Li Hao's tomb on the right side of Bruce Lee.


Video: Kung Fu Panda greedy phase Quanji Lu cute

Kung Fu Panda greedy phase Quanji Lu cute

Beckham will become the third son's birthday astronauts a big show of Chinese martial arts

Cruz, wearing a spacesuit xiu Chinese Kung Fu

David Beckham and Victoria billed as the highest exposure couples, which naturally can not do without Tony Sao of painstaking efforts. The smart hot mom and her husband is not only skilled in their own hype, and even his own son is also three spare.

Following the February 3 sons Cruz Beckham's birthday in their own big airs on a wolf disguised as King Kong, after Cruz again in local time September 2nd brother Romeo's birthday at the aerospace Bianshen eyes, but also show a bit "Chinese Kung Fu."

Although only 4 years old, but Cruz star flavor, putting on a show filled with murderous look in his eyes, when in no way inferior to the pitch of Daddy; the same time, his Chinese kung fu Bruce Lee's style seems to have been quite. Birthday protagonist Romeo Although it is low-key, but according to "Daily Post" As previously reported, Romeo due to inherit a "Bayesian arc", advertising endorsement fees have been easy to break 5 million pounds.

Chinese martial arts is a kind of culture does not support the traditional martial arts is to forget the

Weekly sports special International Wushu Federation Technical Committee Luc Benza Review, Chinese martial arts, is not a sport, it is not a fight. Chinese martial arts is a kind of culture is synonymous with one of China's. I am a foreigner their stance simply dump for this culture, why Chinese people think of a good-looking fight?

So be it, let us talk about my martial arts history, and perhaps make Chinese friends were able to see the other side of things.

In 1983, I came to China to learn Chinese martial arts, it has been 26 years. The beginning, I created the idea of martial arts in China, is Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan movies. I saw so and so not only they will be knocked to the ground, but they are not easily shot style, but also to win the opponent did not play. This saw the United States were the heroes of the film was Ya Zi of the blame must be reported to a completely different style.

So I came to China, in these 20 years time, I am most proud of is that I went to Shaolin Temple to study for a whole year, and then I became a Sanda athlete. I also went to Beijing University of Physical Education undergraduate and graduate reading, and get a diploma. Precisely because of this, in 1993 I was elected to the International Wushu Federation Technical Committee. Martial arts is not an easy task, but not strong Xin-Zhi who is unable to complete the whole process of practice. I want to tell you that we have to learn martial arts, is not merely learning a few moves to be great than be used to knock down opponents much more. The course of this difficult exercise, so I beat the heart of the enemy, so I was growing up, so I have had a real "Chinese Heart"!

As for ornamental, as an insider I can tell you, boxing is difficult when you first go to see television, not to mention the Taekwondo. I always do not understand why there are Chinese national television audience to support their efforts to question the traditional movement. In China, actually can see some of the leagues abroad are unpopular, those who race Is to look good? Why are not look at their own game. I do not understand!


International Traditional Wushu Competition temple monk's first gold

Temple monk Chang Ye Master martial arts six years, recently won one fell swoop the sixth Zhejiang International Traditional Wushu Competition 2 gold 1 silver success. This is also the temple monks for the first time in an international martial arts competition in the gold.

32-year-old Chang Ye Master study to study, work hard to self-cultivation. 6 years ago, Chang Ye Changzhou became acquainted with the little Master Martial Arts Sports School head coach, city Wushu Association, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General Sha-hee, and forge mentoring. Chang Ye Master very hard, every day in the completion of the monastery under cultivation, after homework, and then followed by sand of various practitioners of traditional Chinese kung fu master. Chang Ye Master made rapid progress, three years later, the third Zhejiang International Traditional Wushu Competition won third place.

This year in August, large-scale sixth Zhejiang International Traditional Wushu Competition was held, with more than 5000 participants, players from more than 10 countries and regions, a total of more than 300 events. Chang Ye Master again went to race, becoming the only one wearing a cassock match the scene of the monk. He has participated in four events, the primary fencing, and even steps are given boxing gold medals, 24 silver medal-style Taijiquan, 42-style Taijiquan ranked No. 5.

Temple abbot Songchun monk was impressed with the performance of the disciples, he said: "Chang Ye Master strengthen martial arts training, in order to add luster temple glory. Temple monks until the future will continue to strengthen the training and improve their quality, not southeast first jungle negative reputation. "

6000 martial arts Shaolin Kung Fu master on the same stage show

Henan Dengfeng, a Shaolin kung fu Shaolin Wu school 6000 Kids of Shaolin martial arts show on the same stage scenes and tremendous, magnificent stunning


To study the Chinese martial arts fight in mid-foreigner "fly" to Chengdu

Ma Jie He Weiqi to teach Chinese Kung Fu

A white T-shirt, black exercise pants, pedal a pair of practice shoes, one stroke a rhythmic style, if not a towering bridge of the nose, general line of the head of Chinese martial arts JOSEMarrero really not easy to expose his "foreigner" status. Every summer, JOSEMarrero from Spain will be playing the "fly" to Chengdu to study the Chinese martial arts and Chinese. Wangjiang Park is his place to study martial arts.

Fell in love with Bruce Lee fell in love with Chinese martial arts

JOSEMarrero Chinese Mingjiaomajie, 41-year-old, he taught biology in Spain. And most, like foreigners, Magee also through Bruce Lee's kung fu movie love Chinese kungfu.

In 2007, in Chengdu studying Chinese in Magee and friends visit Wangjiang Park, accidentally found the door head monk He Weiqi Emei martial arts school. Magee first stood silently to watch the next day, he ran to the He Weiqi specifically expressed their desire to want to learn martial arts, He Weiqi immediately accept it in this foreign students as apprentices last year, the official closing of apprentices. Since then, Margery no longer have to shining movie actor Bibi martial arts, he had sent a authentic Emei martial arts teacher.

Every summer, Magee will make use of summer vacation to Chengdu, Sichuan Normal University to study Chinese in the morning, afternoon, went to the park to learn kung fu Wangjiang.

Speak the same language instructors special treatment for recurrent

"Two feet in a straight line. For, it is so." 26 This afternoon when I saw Margery when He Weiqi is giving Magee tutoring. Magee each year due to summer vacation in order to come to Chengdu to study only the martial arts, He Weiqi only from the most basic routines to teach from. Ma Jie tall, but he along with silk and primary school students do not mind when his classmates.

Talking about this foreign disciples He Weiqi is quite satisfactory. "Magee is very hard, sometimes I have difficulty communicating with the language, but as long as I demonstrate a few times more, he'll understand what I mean." What teacher said.

Since there are no other students to a long learning time, together with pupils studying at the side of the break, Magee has also continued to practice. He says that this year can only teach some basic boxing Magee, wait until next year, we can teach them some band instruments of the martial arts.

Magee spent this time in Chengdu, the short time, temporary home before he purchases a lot of books dedicated to the bookstore. "Freight and books are almost as expensive." Magee laments the past few years there is no prior martial arts books, more than he wanted most is the type of book. He said that in Spain, he will be at home after work every day practicing martial arts, after he had studied martial arts in Japan, but he felt even more esoteric Chinese martial arts.

The ancient city wall, "Kung Fu Kids"

A student in Anhui Shou Jing-huai floor, the ancient city wall north gate Shouchun performed broadsword
The Huaihe River in Anhui Province is located in the shore Liuan Shou is a national historical and cultural city, since ancient times as a battleground, contested by Chongwen martial tradition continues to this day. In recent years, vigorous development of mass sport Shou County, martial arts movements in the general rise among young people. Shouchun north gate in the ancient city walls on the floor, Jing-huai, daily morning and evening have a lot of kindergarten children and primary and secondary schools in the county martial arts training center under the guidance of the teacher's practice martial arts, physical fitness, and tempered will. From here out of many young people in national and provincial-level Games and all kinds of martial arts competitions to achieve ranking.

Tai Chi Master Chen Changxing

Chen Changxing, word yunting, [1771 - 1853 years]. 14 Chen Shi Taijiquan master. Public with his father, Bing Wang Bing Wang, Bing Qi two ancestral boxing public and have true biography, pondering each other brothers and three complement each other, each refinement ecstatic, Barry radius no do not know, call them as "Chen's three-way." Public child by the father of Bing Wang public words and deeds, it's also pointing Bing Wang Bing Qi, Li-fa, won the essence of Taijiquan. To practice, the public all year round in order to bench for a bed and woke up the practice. Ying Wu a result of talent, practice hard, fist year armed twenties are superb, reputed at that time. Perennial Zoubiao Qilu, the underworld of the people's fear of a tiger. In the martial arts, or in its code of conduct against Chiang Kai-shek whole body coordination, whether on weekdays to see them, catch up would be, standing 10 million people, as the fancy how crowded, the pace did not move the body by water near its touch-stone, no resistance from the decadent, like a reef stand the sea, although the wave film in the standing majestically rivers and lakes fellow sounding name: Mr. tablets.

Deep inside information! The world is out of Shaolin Kung Fu

Every time when you come to Shaolin Temple Qianfo Dian, there will always be front of dozens of different shades of shocked by the foot pit, these foot pit is the formation of Shaolin monks practicing the "Zhan Zhuang hole", also known as "foot pit practice "is a martial arts monks stamp when the pedal to the longstanding and martial arts combined with profound and left. Each hole is a foot deep pool with Shaolin martial arts heritage. So, Shaolin kung fu is how to generate it?

Legend of Shaolin kung fu is taught by the Zen patriarch Bodhidharma. Dharma King of the Tianzhu son, the name Lime Teodoro, on behalf of the 27th case of Maha Kassapa Buddha's Wisdom doro tonsure as a disciple, and later to China pass method. Dharma traveling at sea, which lasted three years, arrived in Guangzhou, after Southern Liangdi Emperor welcome to our health because the Emperor could not comprehend meditation and a reed cross the river, dwells Shaolin Temple, facing the wall 9 years, and finally Lu Gui Xi. Today, as we have seen under the Shaolin 5 Rufeng Chuzu Um is not built facing the wall of the Dharma, is indeed propaganda, and for seven years the Northern Song Dynasty (1125) and then built to commemorate the Dharma is the oldest of the Song Dynasty in Henan region, timber-framed construction.

Legend go to legend, Chinese martial arts derived from the sports and fighting, there thousands of years of history. Shaolin Kung Fu is also derived from physical fitness and to defend the homeland needs. Songshan Shaolin Temple is located in deep, steep mountains, poor natural conditions, wild beasts haunted, in order to survive, monks must have a strong physique, and thus to become monks martial arts fitness essential activities. Created at the Shaolin monk Ba Tuo, many pregnant with martial arts skills by Rusi as monks, for the formation of Shaolin martial arts foundation. Ba Tuo's disciple Hui-light, thick Monk is one of the representatives, according to records Huiguang the age of 12 will be able to Tseng Lan risk of anti-shuttlecock, a row can play 500. The monk is thick, "strong bones", "boxing Czech Xiao Wu" and "drawing re-Qian-jun." He even able to "cross-wall line of riding" and "jumped to the first beam," will be two tigers have been sent packing with Shakujou. Late Sui, 13 Shaolin monks who tried to assist the King of Qin Li Shimin Wang Shichong crusade, but by the Chifeng Award-evident that since a traditional Shaolin martial arts training in taijiquan. Shaolin monk soldiers, always as a very unique military organization to defend the country participate in them. To the Ming and Qing Dynasties, has formed a profound Shaolin kung fu martial arts system.

In the Shaolin Temple, West 500 meters north bank of the little river, clouds the Tang, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Guta 229 of varying shape, commonly known as "Tallinn." The ancient tower is the burial of the ancient monks, of which there is no lack proficient in Shaolin kungfu monks, the Shaolin Temple for research, study Shaolin Kung Fu, and even the study of Chinese ancient architecture, sculpture, calligraphy and art are of great value.


Harris Shaolin line: apprentice Buddhist monks learn martial arts into the playoffs pre-Gui Qiu

Wishing worship, learning martial arts, force move mountains ax, went to the townships to visit the New Jersey Nets point guard Devon - Harris in Zhengzhou spent a full day of enriching and fun.

Visit the Shaolin Temple in Henan OK Harris one of the main activities of Harris in the Main Hall hands together, close your eyes kneeling on the futon on the front of the Buddha worship of the three prayer wish. Kept repeating the words from his mouth, the faint you can hear "I hope the Nets to enter the playoffs this season."

After the worship Wishing, Harris has some concerns. "I do not worship too fast, and it will not be not working that way?" Harris asked the monks around. In an answer that as long as the Xinchengzeling Harris reassuring laugh.

Shaquille - O'Neal's recent trip to the Shaolin Temple has played a very good advertising effect, Harris said he saw on television O'Neill visited the Shaolin Temple, see Su-Zen Shaolin abbot presented O'Neill (preserved fruit), the Harris visited the Shaolin Temple, has also bought two boxes of preserved fruit. Preserved in the sales booth next to them the O'Neill took over the Su-Zen reaching billboards, the "big sharks" is clearly a prime advocate of the Zen.

Came to the Shaolin Temple, Harris naturally want to learn Shaolin kung fu 2 strokes. Harris visited the ancient Shaolin monks practicing the hall, watching the ground taken by the monks who practice one by one deep pit, Harris marveled. Harris, under the guidance of monks of the Shaolin Temple started to learn boxing, "smashing fist", though entry-boxing, but also superbly. Harris learned very seriously, a move one type play a norm-like, to show his excellent physical fitness. Practice is hard work, Harris practiced one would complain incessantly. "Too tired, my butt must be tired no more!" Harris said.

Although the hard work, but the Harris interest for Shaolin kung fu is quite thick. In the Shaolin Temple Hill in front of a group photo taken with people, the Harris also learned martial arts before the aftertaste from time to time stamping punches. Harris also watched the Shaolin martial arts monks are wonderful performances so mesmerizing Harris. After the show, Harris armed with axes mountains were a group photo taken with the monks.

Harris was invited to be a manufacturer toured the House Dian, Harris alerted the arrival of the House Dian residents, the village folks look at Harris, his family, and some even moved to seize the high ground ladder. If Harris's reputation has been extended to China's township, which is obviously some nonsense. The surrounding villagers tell the truth, most of them do not know Harris, who came only to watch the. An old man of the NBA star Harris expressed doubts as, "No, he's not a star, he's not high!" The old man said, "If Yao Ming can come to enough."

5 Xun female braids pulling six cars will pull the aircraft went abroad to perform

Buddhist disciples Zhang Tingting with pigtails pulling six cars.

Although over five ten days, but the martial arts since childhood of the Buddhist disciples Zhang Tingting still easy to sit there with braids pulled six drivers, six cars ahead 50 meters. Yesterday, Zhang Tingting cell door in the Tongzhou District Qijiankaixuan performing this "miracle." She said that because of his soon to Kaifeng, Henan ordained, it may not do after the due Dressed similar performances.

Field 1 braids pulling six cars

"Everyone a favor, borrow cars," Yesterday morning, 52-year-old Buddhist disciple Zhang Tingting a Huiyi appeared in Qijiankaixuan cell door, hand over to the side of the road indicate a number of owners. Residents of the surrounding land Xiaohe He came up, they already are familiar with this name in the district of the regular martial arts, Fahao release Deyu people.

"I need a hair pulling six cars," said Zhang Tingting a nearby car owners who are opening their eyes, "with the hair, pull carts, right?" Everyone lent three Xiali, a hippocampus, a Chery, a Suzuki, Ting-Ting Zhang with a rope to string together six vehicles.

Subsequently, she was active for legs and feet, down about 1 meter of braids, the braids and punched a rope knot. Zhang Tingting Baile Bai head, "to start," she bent down, one to go forward step by step, six cars followed the pace of her moving up. "Really powerful, it is hair?" Crowd of people who can not help but slap shot ring.

In the end, Ting-Ting Zhang 1 meter long braids with six cars pulled away 50 meters, then stopped, while the interior includes six drivers. A curious citizens walked over, his hands tugged at six vehicles, but absolutely still, "it seems there is real skill." He reached out toward the Ting-Ting Zhang thumb.

Exploring the Causes of childhood went to the Shaolin martial arts are a simple braids, pulling six cars can actually move forward?

ZHANG Ting-ting said that the martial arts and her childhood experiences. She said that he is Kaifeng, Henan people, a local martial arts atmosphere, strong, and her character Datailielie an early age, loved martial arts, and playing with boys the same age. "Daoqiangjianji, 18 martial arts are practiced" In order to study martial arts, she traveled all over, he learned a hard effort. In 1989, she had also been to seek advice on Shaolin martial arts, and has since converted to Buddhism, Buddhism in the martial arts with great concentration while. Because Shaolin do not accept female students, she returned home, "also count hair cultivation there."

In 2003, Ting-Ting Zhang arrived in Beijing the exchange of lectures, and taught a lot of foreigners. "After reading what others hands pulling carts, pull carts, I would also like to practice, practice very head of the martial arts." As a result, she left her hair tied to a tree or a staircase, pull handle on the practice. After a years of practice, she realized the desire to pull carts with braids. In 2006, she also participated in the CCTV, "to challenge the do" section, with braided hair, pulling cars, the success of Beijing Television's "seven seven" section, but also did an interview with her. Now, Zhang Tingting living in Tongzhou District Qijiankaixuan district, also received a lot of disciples.

Wish want to pull the aircraft performing the Czech Republic

Why Zhang Tingting performed in public in the door of her cell Juexue? She said that this was mainly because she will be back in Henan has been ordained, "as required to be Dressed, I am afraid not had a chance after the re-performed."

Zhang Tingting said that although she did not heartache kept some three years of braids, but still want to be able to retain after the Initiation queue. The Czech Republic because she wanted to show the aircraft with the hair pulled, "creating what the world record."

Early in August, she finally received a Czech company had issued a letter of invitation will be invited to her January 10, 2010 to the Czech Republic participate in the Shaolin kung fu visit.


Attachment to 69-year-old Tai Chi Quan Mi abroad who hope to participate in the Olympic Games, Italy

The Taihang Mountains, the blue sky River, gathered a number of tai chi enthusiasts at home and abroad, "the fifth Jiaozuo International Taijiquan Exchange Competition," recently ended. During the contest, the reporter interviewed several members of the Tai Chi martial arts form lasting bonds with people, their stories are all confirmed the strong appeal of the shadow boxing.

Falconi wish

69-year-old Italian Falconi hale and hearty, physically strong build.

As early as 1970, Falconi awestruck by the Chinese martial arts, when the International Wushu Federation in 1985 in Xi'an, China was set up, he applied to become members and to initiate the establishment in Italy, the Italian branch of the International Wushu Federation. At present, Italy has more than 3,000 people practicing tai chi, Mr. Falcone began to switch from the initial fascination with Sanda training tai chi. "We hope that Chinese martial arts at an early date as an Olympic project, but fortunately my lifetime be able to participate in an Olympic Games on behalf of Italy." He smiled to reporters over the years tell their own wishes.

"Taichi marketing" of the coup

70s last century, emigrated to the United States, Mr. Wu Tinggui, is vice chairman of International Wushu Federation, the United States Martial Arts Federation Chairman and President of the Pan American Wushu Federation, he spread the Chinese martial arts overseas development, has made great contributions. Mr. Wu said that now the United States Sansibaiwan martial arts enthusiasts, this one middle-aged white-collar class, vegetarian favorite practice tai chi. For continuous holding Jiaozuo International Taijiquan Exchange Competition, Mr. Wu was full of praise: "Henan is the hometown of martial arts, tai chi, Shaolin kung fu famous the world over to organize such a match, not just to promote the Chinese martial arts, but also to the world step in to sell their own coup. "

3 "China hand"

On the court side reporter met a Ukrainian girl Dhalia Gillespie, and she dressed in red loaded, blue-eyed blonde, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, a student. She not only can speak fluent Chinese, but also a beautiful hand written Chinese characters. The 24-year-old, she has been practicing tai chi three years, this time to participate in the provisions of the Chen Tai Chi Kung Fu Fan routines and the two projects. At this time, two countries that went through to small group, active in fluent Mandarin self-introduction, a reading at the Henan Polytechnic University, Chinese Turks, the other one is also a Ukrainian, is studying Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Temple, they come here for Dhalia Gillespie refueling. Dali Ya the game to begin, they Sa Bao Quan and I said farewell: "Thank you, friend, worship." Just like a Chinese-pass demeanor.

Three generations, play together

In the just-concluded traditional taijiquan competition routine stadium next to a silver-haired, dashing the elderly, attracting a reporter's attention. The 74-year-old woman named Kong Lingjuan Jiaozuo, and she was the same race and 50-year-old daughter and 12-year-old granddaughter, three generations, play together, become a much-told story of this game. In this session of the Jiaozuo International Taijiquan Exchange Competition, participants must be the youngest is only six years old, the oldest already more than 80, and this fully shows that tai chi has gained the charm.

Lucheng Ba Gua Zhang Association welcomed the Russian friends

Recently, the Lucheng District Ba Gua Zhang (Boxing) The Association welcomed a group of martial arts enthusiasts from Russia, the association members and friends in Russia, now among the martial arts, to promote the exchange of Chinese and foreign martial arts.

Lucheng District, Ba Gua Zhang (Boxing) Association was established in September 2007, the association aims to inherit and carry forward the traditional martial arts, martial arts enthusiasts to provide a communication and exchange platform for interflow. Association was founded just over a year, membership in July this year, held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang International Traditional Wushu the sixth game, winning 14 Gold 4 Silver 1 Bronze good results. Members of the palace in the game show Ba Gua Zhang (boxing) with its unique charge of law and shenfa, deeply domestic and foreign martial arts enthusiasts favor. Russia, therefore admiring friends, Li Zeng-Yun, president of the them on the Ba Gua Zhang (boxing) in Wenzhou's development and heritage, presented members of the Association for their wonderful performances, and a souvenir photo.

Nets hatchetman went to talk about Chinese martial arts Shaolin Temple respect eager to learn a

NBA Nets star Harris has visited the Shaolin Temple is also interest with the gestures of some of the monks.

Talking about the Shaolin Temple, Harris's eyes filled with longing. "I know it was the Millennium Wing, ancient temples, I am looking forward to the Shaolin Temple." When he heard O'Neal to the Shaolin Temple wanted to learn the snake fist time, Harris could not help but want to laugh, he is probably O'Neill's sturdy shape with the contrast of the snake is a bit big. But Harris's understanding of Chinese martial arts not as good as O'Neal, "I heard that there are powerful martial arts, there is a chance, I would also like to learn a kind."

China's kung fu star, O'Neal backs of their hands, said: "Jet Li and Jackie Chan, I have chatted with them." Harris, Shaquille O'Neal would be no less severe, he said: "I know that China's kung fu star, but I do not know them.


Shaolin Hard Qigong practice hard, "top of Kung Fu" show stunt

With 1-meter-long braids drag eight cars weighing 10 tons of nearly 100 meters before the line. You've seen this Litaiwuqiong the "top of Kung Fu" do? Yesterday, many people witnessed this miracle. In the morning, the city 52-year-old martial arts master Zhang Tingting Jin Square in the south side of performing his own God braid pulling cars on tape. This is also the last time she was performing stunts that door, after which she will go to great Sokokuji ordained, Dressed to self-cultivation.

Performing on-site, a large number of people hearing the news early in this waiting queue just waiting to pull the car magic insight. "It's so good hair is really rare." Yesterday's 9:00, when the wearing of Zhang Tingting arrived on the scene wearing a yellow robe, surrounded by the audience gathered in the eyes regarded her hair, could not help but tut envy. Although already over 50, but the Ting-Ting Zhang black shiny hair, without a gray hair. She deliberately compiled in a single braid hair looks thick strong. In the not far away, eight have been parked cars together in series. "Is it true? Rely solely on hair and can pull a car?" Some people deliberately stepped forward to take a look at cars, but also forced Tuile Tui can car absolutely still expressed doubts about the people staring mirror, staring Zhang Tingting's every move. I saw a dark complexion, of strong build of Zhang Tingting side of the activities of legs and feet, while down about 1 meter tails, braids and ropes will be punched a knot, and then the other end of the rope tied in series with the 8 car The first one on. ZHANG Ting-ting with his back and then turn a blind eye Yungong cars. Only to hear soon as Di Hu, "since," she bent over, hands hold his head began to drag the car slowly forward. With her pace, eight cars started the way forward, has been advancing for nearly 100 meters before stopping, Ting-Ting Zhang Shu gas income power. "It's with the hair, pulling the car." "God has!" Accompanied soon as sound amazing, the audience responded with warm applause.

"I have always liked martial arts, destined in this life and the martial arts." Ting-Ting Zhang said he young martial arts, a common practice at the time of Kaifeng, and she exercises a number of basic skills from an early age, from the 17-year-old officially practitioners of various martial arts. Later, she went by myself to Shaolin Temple study with a teacher, and worked hard Shaolin Hard Qigong, and also began to study Buddhism. Many years of hard martial arts, so she trained in a good martial arts, not only throughout the country have been displayed on several occasions abroad, performing the traditional Chinese martial arts. Her performance in the process, there is always the audience on the spot to pray for her division.

In practice the process of Shaolin Hard Qigong, Ting-Ting Zhang had an unprecedented idea, "How can Shaolin Hard Qigong manifested through the feminine," inadvertently swinging the braids to the Ting-Ting Zhang inspiration. So she tried to hard qigong perfusion in braids, the discovery could really be able to use braids pull vehicle. "At first, barely pull one." Zhang Tingting, said Hard work pays off, after a hard training, her skill older, the number of driving the car began to increase. By 2005, she participated in China Central Television, "to challenge the do" section, challenges with the hair pulling six cars, was a success. Since then, she has in Beijing, Guangzhou and other places of the group, performing their braids. Not long ago, she was invited to the funeral of former South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun on the performance, "playing God braid newspaper" in martial arts. Yesterday, her first challenge with the hair pulling eight cars. She said his years of wandering out of his home full of deep feeling, and she hoped her home crowd to witness once again to challenge their own limits.

Dengfeng: a global vision to create "Kung Fu Hustle" "Songshan" brand

August 24 evening, and accompanied by wind and Greenfield, large-scale mountain Virtual perform "Zen Shaolin music ceremony" in Dengfeng Xian ditch on time to be staged in the Xingyunliushui like music, the Songshan Shaolin, kung fu, Zen Italy is deeply engraved in the hearts of tourists from around the world. The project's marketing manager, Zhou Ding-jun told reporters: "So far, this year's show season a total of more than 150 performances and received 160,000 visitors and foreign tourists, revenue more than 1900 million."

Back "Shaolin Kung Fu" fame at home and abroad, not just a "Zen Shaolin music ceremony." This year from January to March, large-scale original dance, "the Wind of Shaolin" tour in Australia for three months, creating the history of Chinese performing arts groups to Australia's largest and oldest commercial performances, the most records, the Western mainstream media known as the "China into the Western mainstream society's first dance." And another with "Shaolin kung fu" as the core of the "Shaolin Wu Hun" not only Broadway and the UK on board the U.S. mainstream performance market, but also won the highest award the U.S. theater's nomination.

Let the world's attention Dengfeng, in addition to "Kung Fu", as well as Songshan. In addition to the world geological park, the Songshan area has been cross-cultural exchange in Chinese prehistory hub of many important historical events, personalities activities around the Songshan Mountain area, which makes Dengfeng China's ancient culture and cultural resources, historical and cultural remains all-encompassing, brings together Fengshan, religion, science and technology, education, literature, art and other kinds of folk culture, has condensed the history of Chinese culture for thousands of years, with world-class cultural tourism resources and international tourism brand.

Due to high visibility in the international arena, in the eight pilot areas were, Dengfeng is the only can play "International Brand". The layers of evidence, the expert, the final position Dengfeng test area are: Chinese culture and sacred mountains, the world's martial arts capital. Specifically, based on the Shaolin scenic spots as the core, to create in order to martial arts education, Chan Gong performing arts, meditation experiences, and other creative industries as the main content of the cultural and creative industry cluster areas; with the theme of Songyang Guoxue training scenic spots to develop and Fengshan fine line of cultural tourism development; to rely on scenic Zhongyue Miao, build high-quality tourist routes Taoist culture, the layout of leisure health industries; to astronomical observation scenic relying on experience to build scientific and technological culture and tourism routes.

Strategic partner to introduce this "Living Water" stirred up the city's Cultural Industries and Resources, "circulation." The process of building in the pilot area, the city to seek a breakthrough, and Hong Kong China Travel Service Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement on cultural Songshan Industrial Park to conduct an overall planning, fine design, organize groups and incremental development phases. The city official said: "Hong Kong has hundreds of travel agencies in the travel, there are a large number of marketing, creative talents, Dengfeng can make use of this platform, the Songshan travel and martial arts into the overseas tour." While the introduction of partners , Dengfeng City, as the responsibility of Provincial Department of Culture Industry Investment Co., one of the shareholders will be in the cultural development funds, personnel, strategy, marketing, etc., get priority Xingwen cast companies.

Martial arts industry is the pillar of Dengfeng cultural industries. In recent years, around the martial arts industry, the introduction of the project in the city have more than 200 thousand billion total trade turnover. Dengfeng City, only about 70 martial-arts schools with a total investment volume of up to 8 million yuan. Around the Shaolin martial arts, the city has taken all kinds of movies and television 300 (set) over the country and the world to establish a "Shaolin Kung Fu" brand. At the same time, they also incorporates the city's nearly 70 martial arts schools resources, set up a tower ditch, geese slope, the three little dragons martial arts industry group. According to the plan, the future the city will be in more than 100 countries and regions, the establishment of martial arts branch, becoming the largest martial arts education, martial arts performances, martial arts tourism base. And to adopt market-oriented mode of operation, the formation of leading international martial arts company, advance and occupy the international martial arts market.


Kung fu king Bruce Lee's former lover

Bruce Lee and Nora Miao
Miao origin in Guangdong, was born in 1952 in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong College of St. Rose of Lima graduated in 1970 into the Golden Harvest studios, because in the "Big Boss", "Fist of Fury," "Way of the Dragon" and other films as a Actress known for. Leaving Golden Harvest in 1973 to host TV shows and TV dramas starring. Gradually fade out after the entertainment circle, the outside world have been circulating that she and Lee had a history of love. That is, "Legend of Bruce Lee" in Qinxiao Man prototype. Stage name: Nora Miao original name: Chan Wing-Benjamin English Name: Nora Miao playboy: Nannan Height: 163 cm Weight: 49 kg hosting a radio show: Lady about (Fairchild Radio) Date of Birth: January 31 Astrological Sign: Aquarius Hobbies: Music , Drama favorite colors: green, white favorite song / music: Soft music Favorite food: Seafood + hot annoying things: anti-bone of the human memorable experience: too much, can not be exhaustive ideal goal: a happy personal motto: a lot of Nora Miao The mother and her mother is a long-time friend of Bruce Lee, Nora Miao, and Bruce Lee, who co-operation "Big Boss" "Fist of Fury" and "Dragon."

Nora Miao At that time, her boyfriend, Bruce Lee film is to take care of her, which rumored. Nora Miao never admitted nor denied, she said: "I am very determined, and will not explain. I did not say anything, people again when I by default. "can not think of years after the fall of superstar friends still have to face wind and rain feelings, Miao said she was only smile in envy. These old news, have evaporated with the past in the past went out.

Certain number of years, has come out of the movie Nora Miao settled in Toronto, hosted the Chinese radio programs, then was young and now old age and become a beauty, she is still not married, since she often travel to Vancouver, it will certainly go to Bruce Lee's grave in Seattle honor the dead person before. Talking about the past, only faint sigh and Cumei.

By Nora Miao, you see that 60 to 80 years of smoke prosperity of Hong Kong, in particular, that period film, "a string column one thought China Year" years. . . .

Initial understanding of seedlings in the "Fist of Legend", the have seen the one in which Bruce Lee stills, large and robust in his behind, a woman leaves a mellow and delicate face, big eyes reveal out of a palpitation of the beautiful people, that when left a deep impression, and later learned that she is Nora Miao, Bruce Lee's "screen couple," worked with "Big Boss", "Fist of Legend "and other well-known film. Is one of the legendary Bruce Lee's girlfriend, said Bruce Lee, in the night of the incident that the bad news, she cried herself to sleep, dream about Bruce Lee stood at her bedside.

Video Finally, all of the audience, like her, knew she was waiting for him to come back, even if he did not know why she traveled with him in Rome, told him the king to the Queen spent a lot of years had built it a large garden story. She had the old-fashioned and behavior could not understand him, and then she was impressed by his moment of high spirits, her own hands to him earlier, and then asked, "it really delicious?" Full of sadness and frustration that she persuaded him must midnight before the leave, she was full of anticipation to hear him not to leave out the words, but until the story ended, and she finally was Kaibuliaokou him to stay.

Many years ago, in the "Way of the Dragon", the clothes she was wearing a camel, in the white cemetery in the head down, he served as a UFA with the wind gently swinging, until a time when a subtitle, Bruce Lee left one carrying a package of gray silhouette, with a somewhat desolate in the alleys of Rome, away, this time, the audience learned that the original "Dragon" and there is still a love worthy of looking forward to. This echoes the same outcome, such as the entire film will be the end of the last words of that section of Notes-style language: "In this there is a knife with a gun in the world, regardless of Tanron go to any place, the needs of all good fortune." Then I to see her eyes full of fear and expectation, want to express but can not talk to the eye.

Sister Nora Miao person can show, emigrated to Canada more than 15 years, has been living in Toronto. Bruce Lee's film, on many occasions as a heroine, she was recently in a telephone call, the came back, back to Sylvia Chang film "a good father," the film is more a way to change the past, drama, plays an underworld son's mother.

Way of the Dragon, this Bruce Lee Nora Miao co-operation with the final film, while the screenwriter Bruce Lee himself. This particular about kung fu movies, the Miao's role seems to be only an embellishment of the movie, but at the appropriate time to promote the development of the plot, only when she was trapped in the enemy's nest can be found in Bruce Lee's rush to the rescue of the that a trace of tension in the face.

However, watching the movie goes on fine Miao jie ao face revealed, revealing disdain, revealing the helpless, reveal sadness. Just quietly watched, but it can not help but secretly admire, is really a beautiful woman. Eyes where something really is the boss of an Italian restaurant in issued with stunning set off the worry is that people should be a little

Some hot, is a little Roman Tuitang romantic, and a little leaner feel.

Certain number of years, has come out of the movie Nora Miao settled in Toronto, hosted the Chinese radio programs, then was young and now old age and become a beauty, she is still not married, since she often travel to Vancouver, it will certainly go to Bruce Lee's grave in Seattle honor the dead person before. Talking about the past, only faint sigh and Cumei.

Wonderful wonderful drama "Kung Fu Legend" London wins praise

Recently, the Chinese stage drama "Kung Fu Legend" London trip come to an end, triumphant return.

Chinese Embassy in Britain to participate in premiere charge d'affaires Daniel Chan said: "" Kung Fu Legend, "the Grand Theater in London, successful performance of the Chinese culture, 'going out' and made a good start." Canada's ambassador to Britain, James Wright was predicted that: " Performance conquered the hearts of the audience in London. "kung fu legend" created by the success of the cyclone will start in London, it swept the world in the near future. "Theater in London the British theatrical director David Evans said: "performance is extremely exciting, unbelievable! This is what I see in the West End stage, the best performances in China."

Indeed, the "Kung Fu Legend" is an exciting repertory, tells a small monk Junichi Hayashi, bid farewell to his mother into the mountains, after the Enlightenment, talents, Hess and other numerous tests and eventually become a great master story. Play, in a pair of young and old monks in English, interspersed between the dialogue, "lying Knife," "Top Gun throat" and other martial arts soul-stirring, LOFTY the "flying trapeze" It's drunk and full of oriental charm " China Red "," Jiangnan minor "is a wonderful audiences into the boundless realm.


Miss Tourism Queen International Shaolin kung fu style and no substance inside school

August 23, from 120 countries and regions, the 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International in Henan Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng hill in front of collective learning Shaolin kung fu.

2009 Miss Tourism Queen candidates learn Shaolin Kung Fu Shaolin Boy surprised at the power

Yesterday, the 2009 Miss World Tourism began to parade in Zhengzhou.

In the Shaolin Temple, wonderful welcome ceremony for more than a hundred beauties marvel. An old man with two children show "Boy and Girl Power," but also brings them surprised and curious, "This is so amazing!" One tourist said Miss.

Yesterday afternoon, the beauties have arrived in Shaolin Temple. A massive martial arts welcome ceremony kicked off immediately.

Silver Bayonet throat, head and open-plate ... ... endless beauties were astonished, his eyes seemed not enough, and takes out his camera while taking pictures while praise.

The most surprising so that they are "Boy power."

An old man and two children, folding legs, splits, legs and feet like a spring-like retractable freely. Beauties were stunned, "the elderly, how can such a soft body?" "God, this is too amazing."

Just look at an unfulfilling, beauties, they have also personally pitched in to try. After the performance ended, more than 100 beauties line up queue, in the "teacher" under the leadership of learning martial arts. Although this is only a simple moves, make a fist, kicks, squat Bu ... ... beauties are meticulously done.

Kelly, from Australia, Sydney University of Technology student. She said that in the morning to come to Shaolin Temple heard her excited in the car all the way to learn moves when the particularly serious, "I go back and be able to show off his friends came to Shaolin Temple, but also learned Shaolin kung fu. I would I have learned to them. "

Welcome ceremony ended, Miss Tourism began to visit the Shaolin Temple. Beauties from Bolivia may have their own no thought, in the Shaolin Temple can meet a "hometown."

From France cazals 30-year-old boy, in the Shaolin Temple Xuewu. Jiali they came, he was practicing marksmanship near the Shaolin Temple, in the Main Hall near the tourist met Miss from Bolivia.

Miss Tourism in Bolivia is also to understand French, which allow young man a kind of "foreign land encounter refresher" feeling. Chatted for a while do not think it's terrific young man hands out guns and began and became a teacher to. Off to one side of the beauties of Venezuela looked at the "green eye" as well as apprentice, so to use the visit time of 20 minutes, young man bigger way, to pass on to the two "disciples" of a Shaolin marksmanship.
Yesterday, Miss Tourism Queen International in Zhengzhou, the first day, the next day, they will in Zhengzhou doing?

This reporter has learned, this morning, Miss Tourism will be divided into two groups, about 80 will participate in Miss Tourism in Zhengzhou city management ", held 2009 in Zhengzhou city of leisure" in the snow, while also held a "tea into the country town "activities, on-site but also held a ceremony to worship sage, etc.; other 30 beauties to the Zhengzhou Zhongyuan District, visited the Central Plains ecological special flavor the village's House activities in the small courtyard. The afternoon, Jiali they will go to the Yellow Emperor Xinzheng City, hometown to participate in the activities of Xinzheng date products. The evening, to participate in Miss Tourism Queen International 2009 finals champion the best evening wear competition.

Tomorrow, Miss Tourism Queen International will be entered Xingyang participate Woo-Suk Park, collecting folk songs and cultural activities, visits Shaolin bus, Dragon Group, etc., and in the evening at the International Miss Tourism Intercontinental 2009 contest winner. 28 evening, 2009 Miss Tourism World Championship finals held.

2009 Miss Tourism Queen International in learning Shaolin Kung Fu

August 23, 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International Grand Final parade, Henan Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng held, tourism, and leaves another master dead young ladies, together with practicing kung fu.
August 23, Dengfeng tower ditch about 6,000 people in the Shaolin martial arts school training students have shaken Miss Tourism from around the world, was overwhelmed by the Chinese martial arts.
August 23, 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International Grand Final parade, Henan Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng, held, tourism, and leaves another master dead young ladies, together with practicing Chinese Kung Fu
August 23, 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International Grand Final parade, Henan Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng held, tourism, and leaves another master dead young ladies, together with practicing kung fu.
August 23, 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International Grand Final parade, Henan Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng held, tourism, and leaves another master dead young ladies, together with practicing kung fu.
August 23, 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International Grand Final parade, Henan Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng held, tourism, and leaves another master dead young ladies, together with practicing kung fu.