"There is a Shaolin martial arts," read each of the martial arts films will know this word, Shaolin Temple has become a synonym for Chinese martial arts. However, Have you seen the real Shaolin Kung Fu fighting with what you look like? From the beginning of this week's "Unreal" will show viewers around the world on behalf of the Chinese boxing martial arts Shaolin Temple - Shaolin luohan Fist charm.
Shaolin Temple luohan Fist for secret work, the representation of Shaolin Temple Boxing luohan Fist is one of the art of attack and defense-oriented, well-structured, structured frame Gong, simple person, consistent and powerful action potential, according to legend the founder of a martial arts world since tianzhu Monk Bodhidharma people. In the legend, Bodhidharma from India walk barefoot to the Shaolin Temple of Zen speech on Wall shangshi mountain the following 9 years, 18 hands luohan Fist Pioneer. Zen Master Bodhidharma came from the world, the Shaolin in luohan Fist widespread throughout the country, and the continuous development of the evolution will become a Shaolin boxing in a boxing school.
"Ma word one body" is a unique offensive and defensive methods luohan Fist. Whether offensive or defensive,luohan Fist to their opponent's side at the center, the former may bow in hand, strong or adaptable to inch or attack prevention; hand quest, or on or under the rib Shouzhong care. This art of attack and defense concepts and techniques similar to today's fighting. Shaolin luohan Fist So in the actual enjoyment of the hit is high.
In addition, the martial law luohan Fist legs are also very worthy of appreciation. Customs said that "North Nanquan legs." Gong is generally believed that the legs are not martial, director of the Southern faction, but the legs luohan Fist effort but can not be ignored. And "North Leg" kicked off the high is different for low luohan Fist strong kicking leg, with the pace of diversification, concealment, and the focus of quite steady, always able to surprise, trick enemy. Therefore, the "sweeping leg" of the hit in the luohan Fist often.